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Doopel Ponger

This page is the starting point for all C# code used to create the game Doopel Ponger where you can play for free or buy to get all the source code.

All code has been broken into several modules that are meant to help chunk the code into more easily understood sections.

Before you jump right on into the code there are a few odd things I did inside Unity that I don't think is too common. The first is that I only use one scene throughout the game. I will spawn/despawn objectes as needed rather than organizing things via scenes. The reason for this is because the game is extremely small, so why compilate things? The second important thing is that all UI elements are defaulted active, so the screen in Unity will look a bit cluttered. Don't worry! In the Awake method all UI elements that are not essential deactivate themselves. Lastly, the start of the file name losely shows what the code is about. When the project first started there were several game modes and the code would be organized by having the same prefix per game mode. So everything that has to do with the current game mode has a prefix of Coop, even if it's single player. The other prefixes used are UI for anything related to the user interface, Tutorial if the code is used for the tutorial, and AI if the code is used for the automatic Pong game in the background of the main menu.

For a starting point to dive into the Unity project, I would look at the BoundriesCreator class. That code will start the battle with Schmitty Doop via the StartGame method.

This game was developed on Twitch! Feel free to follow me to see what I'm currently working on. Head over to the Discord if you have any questions about this code or programming in general. And follow me on Twitter to see when I release my next project.