Editor scripts allow for users to customize the inspector for objects. Editor scripts were used to create attack patterns for SchmittyDoop. More...
Classes | |
class | CoopActionPatternCreatorInspector |
Custom inspector for creating SchmittyDoop attack patterns. More... | |
class | RangeDrawer |
Draws the data class Range in the Inspector. More... | |
class | CoopPatternCreatorProvider |
Provides next action pattern to SchmittyDoop in the ActionPatternEditor scene. More... | |
class | EditorActionInformation |
Top level serialization class for creating action patterns in the Inspector. More... | |
class | EditorActionInformationSerializer |
A collection of methods used to read/write action patterns from/to a file. More... | |
class | EditorAttackInformation |
Top level serialization class for creatting attack patterns in the Inspector. More... | |
class | EditorBadBallAttackInformation |
Configures a traditional bullet that is fired by Schmitty Doop. More... | |
class | EditorBallSplitterAttackInformation |
Serialization class for spawning/configuring the splitter ball attack. More... | |
class | EditorLaserAttackInformation |
Serialization class for spawning/configuring the laser attack. More... | |
class | EditorShotgunAttackInformation |
Serialization class for spawning/configuring the shotgun attack, an attack that shoots a fan of bullets. More... | |
class | EditorBallMovementInformation |
Top level data class used to configure and serialize movement information of the bullets fired by Schmitty Doop. More... | |
class | EditorBallMovementInspectorInformation |
Parent class for movement information that needs to have information displayed in the inspector. More... | |
class | EditorConstantSpeedBallMovementInformation |
Information needed to create a bullet with the constant speed movement type. More... | |
class | EditorConstantSpeedBallMovementInspectorInformation |
ScriptableObject implementation for the constant speed movement inspector. More... | |
class | EditorDecreaseSpeedBallMovementInformation |
Information needed to create a bullet with the decrease speed movement type. More... | |
class | EditorDecreaseSpeedBallMovementInspectortInformation |
ScriptableObject implementation for the movement type that is always decreasing ball speed. More... | |
class | EditorIncreaseSpeedBallMovementInformation |
Information needed to create a bullet with the increase speed movement type. More... | |
class | EditorIncreaseSpeedBallMovementInspectorInformation |
ScriptableObject implementation for the movement type that is always increasing ball speed. More... | |
class | EditorSineWaveBallMovementInformation |
Information needed to create a bullet that moves like it is traveling along a sine wave. More... | |
class | EditorSineWaveBallMovementInspectorInformation |
ScriptableObject implementation for the movement type that makes a ball move like a sine wave. More... | |
class | EditorSquareWaveBallMovementInformation |
Information needed to create a bullet that moves like it is traveling along a square wave. More... | |
class | EditorSquareWaveBallMovementInspectorInformation |
ScriptableObject implementation for the movement type that makes a ball move like a square wave. More... | |
class | EditorStartStopBallMovementInformation |
Information needed to create a bullet that moves like it is stuck in stop and go trafffic. More... | |
class | EditorStartStopBallMovementInspectorInformation |
ScriptableObject implementation for the movement type that makes a ball move like it is stuck in stop and go traffic. More... | |
class | EditorTriangleWaveBallMovementInformation |
Information needed to create a bullet that moves like it is traveling on a triangle wave. More... | |
class | EditorTriangleWaveBallMovementInspectorInformation |
ScriptableObject implementation for the movement type that makes a ball move along a triangle wave. More... | |
class | EditorWhirlyBallMovementInformation |
Information needed to create a bullet that moves like it is traveling in a spiral. More... | |
class | EditorWhirlyBallMovementInspectorInformation |
ScriptableObject implementation for the movement type that makes a ball move like it is on a spiral. More... | |
class | EditorAlphaChangeMovementInformation |
Information needed to change the alpha coloring of Schmitty Doop. More... | |
class | EditorAlphaDownMovementInformation |
ScriptableObject implementation for the Schmitty Doop action of become invisible. More... | |
class | EditorAlphaUpMovementInformation |
ScriptableObject implementation for the Schmitty Doop action of become visible. More... | |
class | EditorLinearMovementInformation |
Information needed to have Schmitty Doop move around the screen. More... | |
class | EditorMovementInformation |
Top level serialization class used to save/read information to move Schmitty Doop. More... | |
class | EditorPositionRotationChangeMovementInformation |
Movement serialization class to move Schmitty Doop to an absolute position and rotation. More... | |
class | EditorSmoothStepMovementInformation |
Movement serialization class to move/rotate Schmitty Doop with a smooth step interpolation. More... | |
class | CoopActionPatternCreator |
The class used in the ActionPatternEditor to allow for Editor Scripts to take affect. More... | |
class | CoopActionItem |
Data container that holds an action type to the editor information. More... | |
class | CoopActionPatternMappings |
Data container that holds which data types map to serialization information. This data is used in the custom inspector to show all the necesary information. More... | |
class | CoopActionRuntimeInformation |
Data container that holds action names with the prefab to instantiate the action. More... | |
class | CoopActionRuntimeInformationHolder |
Data container that holds the action type to the information needed to instantiate the action. More... | |
class | EditorBallMovementInspectorInformationHolder |
Data container that holds a ball movement type to the inspector information. More... | |
class | EditorConstants |
Misc. variables used to make spacing of properties in the inspector more consistent. More... | |
Editor scripts allow for users to customize the inspector for objects. Editor scripts were used to create attack patterns for SchmittyDoop.