
Editor scripts allow for users to customize the inspector for objects. Editor scripts were used to create attack patterns for SchmittyDoop. More...


class  CoopActionPatternCreatorInspector
 Custom inspector for creating SchmittyDoop attack patterns. More...
class  RangeDrawer
 Draws the data class Range in the Inspector. More...
class  CoopPatternCreatorProvider
 Provides next action pattern to SchmittyDoop in the ActionPatternEditor scene. More...
class  EditorActionInformation
 Top level serialization class for creating action patterns in the Inspector. More...
class  EditorActionInformationSerializer
 A collection of methods used to read/write action patterns from/to a file. More...
class  EditorAttackInformation
 Top level serialization class for creatting attack patterns in the Inspector. More...
class  EditorBadBallAttackInformation
 Configures a traditional bullet that is fired by Schmitty Doop. More...
class  EditorBallSplitterAttackInformation
 Serialization class for spawning/configuring the splitter ball attack. More...
class  EditorLaserAttackInformation
 Serialization class for spawning/configuring the laser attack. More...
class  EditorShotgunAttackInformation
 Serialization class for spawning/configuring the shotgun attack, an attack that shoots a fan of bullets. More...
class  EditorBallMovementInformation
 Top level data class used to configure and serialize movement information of the bullets fired by Schmitty Doop. More...
class  EditorBallMovementInspectorInformation
 Parent class for movement information that needs to have information displayed in the inspector. More...
class  EditorConstantSpeedBallMovementInformation
 Information needed to create a bullet with the constant speed movement type. More...
class  EditorConstantSpeedBallMovementInspectorInformation
 ScriptableObject implementation for the constant speed movement inspector. More...
class  EditorDecreaseSpeedBallMovementInformation
 Information needed to create a bullet with the decrease speed movement type. More...
class  EditorDecreaseSpeedBallMovementInspectortInformation
 ScriptableObject implementation for the movement type that is always decreasing ball speed. More...
class  EditorIncreaseSpeedBallMovementInformation
 Information needed to create a bullet with the increase speed movement type. More...
class  EditorIncreaseSpeedBallMovementInspectorInformation
 ScriptableObject implementation for the movement type that is always increasing ball speed. More...
class  EditorSineWaveBallMovementInformation
 Information needed to create a bullet that moves like it is traveling along a sine wave. More...
class  EditorSineWaveBallMovementInspectorInformation
 ScriptableObject implementation for the movement type that makes a ball move like a sine wave. More...
class  EditorSquareWaveBallMovementInformation
 Information needed to create a bullet that moves like it is traveling along a square wave. More...
class  EditorSquareWaveBallMovementInspectorInformation
 ScriptableObject implementation for the movement type that makes a ball move like a square wave. More...
class  EditorStartStopBallMovementInformation
 Information needed to create a bullet that moves like it is stuck in stop and go trafffic. More...
class  EditorStartStopBallMovementInspectorInformation
 ScriptableObject implementation for the movement type that makes a ball move like it is stuck in stop and go traffic. More...
class  EditorTriangleWaveBallMovementInformation
 Information needed to create a bullet that moves like it is traveling on a triangle wave. More...
class  EditorTriangleWaveBallMovementInspectorInformation
 ScriptableObject implementation for the movement type that makes a ball move along a triangle wave. More...
class  EditorWhirlyBallMovementInformation
 Information needed to create a bullet that moves like it is traveling in a spiral. More...
class  EditorWhirlyBallMovementInspectorInformation
 ScriptableObject implementation for the movement type that makes a ball move like it is on a spiral. More...
class  EditorAlphaChangeMovementInformation
 Information needed to change the alpha coloring of Schmitty Doop. More...
class  EditorAlphaDownMovementInformation
 ScriptableObject implementation for the Schmitty Doop action of become invisible. More...
class  EditorAlphaUpMovementInformation
 ScriptableObject implementation for the Schmitty Doop action of become visible. More...
class  EditorLinearMovementInformation
 Information needed to have Schmitty Doop move around the screen. More...
class  EditorMovementInformation
 Top level serialization class used to save/read information to move Schmitty Doop. More...
class  EditorPositionRotationChangeMovementInformation
 Movement serialization class to move Schmitty Doop to an absolute position and rotation. More...
class  EditorSmoothStepMovementInformation
 Movement serialization class to move/rotate Schmitty Doop with a smooth step interpolation. More...
class  CoopActionPatternCreator
 The class used in the ActionPatternEditor to allow for Editor Scripts to take affect. More...
class  CoopActionItem
 Data container that holds an action type to the editor information. More...
class  CoopActionPatternMappings
 Data container that holds which data types map to serialization information. This data is used in the custom inspector to show all the necesary information. More...
class  CoopActionRuntimeInformation
 Data container that holds action names with the prefab to instantiate the action. More...
class  CoopActionRuntimeInformationHolder
 Data container that holds the action type to the information needed to instantiate the action. More...
class  EditorBallMovementInspectorInformationHolder
 Data container that holds a ball movement type to the inspector information. More...
class  EditorConstants
 Misc. variables used to make spacing of properties in the inspector more consistent. More...

Detailed Description

Editor scripts allow for users to customize the inspector for objects. Editor scripts were used to create attack patterns for SchmittyDoop.