
All code used to make things look prettier, but has no effect on gameplay. Like camera shake and transitions. More...


class  CameraFadeInAndOut
 Makes the screen go black to allow for a fade in and out transition. More...
class  CameraShake
 Event based effect to shake the camera to make impacts look more intense. More...
class  FadeAndDestroy
 As soon as the object is created, fade the alpha of the sprite to 0 and destroy. More...
class  TimeChangeEventManager
 Event listener to change the timescale based on game events. For example, a player dies. More...
class  TimeChangeListener
 Listens for the ChangeTime event to change the timescale. More...
class  DestroyAfterWait
 Class to destroy a game object after a set period of time after it is spawned. More...
class  PiecesTravelToController
class  TweenTo
 A generic class used to move one object to another. Event though it's supposed to be generic, it's only used by balls that missed a player. More...
class  TweenToColor
 Changes the _Tint property of a material to the endColor over time. More...
class  TweenToPiecesManager
 This class only exists to hold all the pieces that should be used to tween. More...
class  BallColorWaveManager
 Both the wall and the shield have a shader where if a bullet hits, the color of the bullet is absorbed into the shader. This class manages the colors being absorbed by those materials. More...
class  BallLightInformation
 Data given to the BallColorWaveManager when the color should splash through an object. More...
class  BounceLightEmitter
 When colliding with an object it checks to see if that object has the BallColorWaveManager attached and tells it to start splashing the color. More...
class  CoopBallHitParticle
 Particle system to spawn when a ball is destroyed. More...
class  CoopLaserHitParticle
 Play the particle system specific for the player laser when it raycast hits an object. This class doesn't need to exist and should be replaced with CoopBallHitParticle. More...
class  Bloom
 Applies the bloom shader to the camera. The bloom effect is split into 3 shaders. 1) Find the brightest objects on the screen and render them. 2) Blur the above rendered image 3) Add the blurred, bright image to the camera. More...
class  Shockwave
 Small shock wave effect that is spawned when a player fires a bullet. More...
class  SmallRipple
 Works with the shader to distort a small area on the screen. More...
class  PircesTravelToController
 Once a ball ball is successfully dodged by a player, it splits into several pieces and then moves to the player. More...

Detailed Description

All code used to make things look prettier, but has no effect on gameplay. Like camera shake and transitions.