
All code related Schmitty Doop. Schmitty Doop movement, attacking, health, etc. More...


class  CoopArrayActionPattern
 Provide Schmitty Doop with actions based on an array. This is the primary way Schmitty Doop gets attack information. More...
class  CoopBadSingleLinePattern
 Action to fire a cluster of bullets one after the other. More...
class  CoopBadSlowDownBurst
 As one could possible guess by the name, this action pattern will shoot several balls in a circle. Each ball will have a movement speed that will always be decreasing. More...
class  CoopBallSplitterPattern
 Pattern that shoots balls that will then split into other balls. More...
class  CoopBaseActionPattern
 The parent class for a collection of actions Schmitty Doop should perform. More...
class  CoopBaseLaserAttackPattern
 Pattern that fires lasers out of Schmitty Doop's ears. More...
class  CoopGoodBallFirstAttack
 Pattern used by SchmittyDoop to fire bullets that will charge the player's power up meter. More...
class  CoopRandomMovementPattern
 Pattern to move SchmittyDoop randomly on the screen. I don't think this is actually used anywhere, but was originally used for testing. More...
class  CoopShotgunAttackPattern
 Pattern to fire a fan of bullets out of Schmitty Doop's ears. More...
class  CoopSmoothMovementPattern
 Movement pattern class that uses smooth step to translate Schmitty Doop in the game world. More...
class  CoopAbstractActionPatternProvider
 Parent class used to craete action patterns to be used by Schmitty Doop. More...
class  CoopActionInformation
 Data class given to Schmitty Doop to do the action. Any time Schmitty Doop moves or attacks, the CoopActionInformation tells Schmitty Doop what to do. More...
class  CoopActionPatternProbability
 Data class used by the CoopActionPatternProvider to add weight to specific patterns so they show up more often. This is not actually used in the final game. More...
class  CoopActionPatternProvider
 Uses a list of CoopActionPatternProbability to create a prioritized list of actions to be selected from when Schmitty Doop needs a new pattern to perform. This is not used in the final game, but is hanging around because it was used initially. More...
class  CoopAlphaChangeInformation
 Data object used to change the alpha of Schmitty Doop. More...
class  CoopAttackInformation
 Data used to give Schmitty Doop when it should fire bullets. More...
class  CoopBallAttackInformation
 Data class used to give Schmitty Doop the information needed to fire bullets. More...
class  CoopBallSplitterAttackInformation
 Data used to give to Schmitty Doop when it should fire ball splitter bullets. More...
class  CoopIncrementalMoveInformation
 Data used to give to Schmitty Doop to make it move as an offset of it's current position. More...
class  CoopLaserAttackInformation
 Data used to give to Schmitty Doop to make lasers come out of its ears. More...
class  CoopMovementInformation
 Data class for the type of movement Schmitty Doop can move. It can teleport, move contiuously, make the alpha go down, or make the alpha go up. More...
class  CoopPositionRotationChangeInformation
 Data class used to change the position and rotation of Schmitty Doop. More...
class  CoopReadFileActionPatternProvider
 Provider that reads in all files that end in .pattern within the Unity streaming assets directory. More...
class  CoopSchmittyDoopIncrementalMovement
 Parent class used by Schmitty Doop to move it when the action is of movement type. More...
class  CoopSchmittyDoopLinearMovement
 Data class used to move Schmitty Doop to a position/rotation and uses Lerp to do the movement. More...
class  CoopSchmittyDoopSmoothMovement
 Data class used to move Schmitty Doop to a position/rotation and uses SmoothSrep to do the movement. More...
class  CoopShotgunAttackInformation
 Data class gived to Schmitty Doop to fire a fan of bullets from its ears. More...
class  CoopSchmittyDoop
 The main code that controls Schmitty Doop. It's a bit too long and should be refactored. More...
class  CoopSchmittyDoopAnimator
 Parent class used for animating pieces of Schmitty Doop when it fires bullets, is sitting idle, is hit, or when it spawns. More...
class  CoopSchmittyDoopAnimatorController
 Animation component that will take the state changes of Schmitty Doop and pass them on to the animators that will actually be animating. More...
class  CoopSchmittyDoopBodyAnimator
 Animation for the body of Schmitty Doop. The only animation needed for the body is during spawning. More...
class  CoopSchmittyDoopCollider
class  CoopSchmittyDoopDeath
class  CoopSchmittyDoopEarAnimator
 Class used to animate the ears of Schmitty Doop. More...
class  CoopSchmittyDoopExplodable
 Once SchmittyDoop dies, a short animation plays of Schmitty Doop shaking and then exploding. This component is used to break Schmitty Doop into pieces. More...
class  CoopSchmittyDoopEye
 Schmitty Doop's eyes will follow a player and blink. Every time the eyes blink it can change which player too look at. This class controls a single eye on Schmitty Doop. More...
class  CoopSchmittyDoopEyeAnimator
 Schmitty Doop's eyes will follow a player and blink. Every time the eyes blink it can change which player too look at. This class controls which player the eyes should follow and when/how to blink. More...
class  CoopSchmittyDoopMaterialWrapper
class  CoopSchmittyDoopMouthAnimator
class  CoopSchmittyDoopSmallMovementController
 Handles any movement of Schmitty Doop that does not involve action patterns. More...

Detailed Description

All code related Schmitty Doop. Schmitty Doop movement, attacking, health, etc.

Animation controller to change the state of the mouth. The mouth has two states normal and firing.

Any piece of Schmitty Doop that should be affected by the black and white health meter should have this component assigned to it.

Death animation for Schmitty Doop that shakes Schmitty Doop along the x axis and then explodes him into a bunch of pieces.

Collider that covers a part of Schmitty Doop. The collider is used to tell if an attack from the player has hit Schmitty Doop or not.

class CoopSchmittyDoopCollider

class CoopSchmittyDoopDeath

class CoopSchmittyDoopMaterialWrapper

class CoopSchmittyDoopMouthAnimator